World Meat Free Week

World Meat Free Week

meat free week 2018 banner


Why on earth would anyone voluntarily go meat free for a week? Well, it could be about the environment in terms of deforestation or green-house gas emissions or water usage or pollution or chemical use or over-use of antibiotics or processing and wastage or not wanting to hurt other living things but for me, it’s a bit of an experiment to do with health.

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Many sources agree that diets high in meat protein are not ideal, in fact they have been linked to such nasties as cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes and mental illness. Yikes!


If you’ve ever watched “Rotten” on Netflix or seen the documentary “Forks over Knives”, if you’ve read “The China Study” or if you have ever personally tried one of the fad “low carb” diets, you will have some information upon which to base your decision.

Some people will find this a huge challenge…
If you love meat with every meal, I recommend doing a bit of planning for this… ( i won’t tell anyone if you do the meat free week a month late).
If you are blessed with a primarily carnivorous family (welcome to the club!) I won’t lie to you… this is likely to be tough. First, try looking up some interesting recipes. Second, work out ways to sneak some extra veggies into favourite family meals (my personal suggestions is grate, grate, grate!) Thirdly, add a range of tasty meat-free sides to all your meals.
Surreptitiously reduce the meat portion of your meals and replace with a satisfying alternative.
Try to support your local growers markets and buy fruit and veg in season. This will save you money and give you a base for your recipe searches on Google.

Some people will enjoy their meat free week so much that it will be the trigger to making a permanent change in their daily diet… perhaps you might try adding a new vegetable or two to some of your favourite family meals… maybe you will decide to go completely vegetarian or even vegan.

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According to the above image, Australians eat a LOT of meat.

Whatever your reason, and whatever your ultimate decision, give a plant-based diet a try this week, or any week!

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